All the philosophy needs is an 'if.'

My wife and I once had the opportunity to visit London. If you have ever been and had the privilege of seeing Hyde Park then you should be able to relate. This park is a place where people can stand on a soapbox and discuss anything they want. It does not matter if the topic is political, religious, or taboo. This blog is my Hyde Park. I will say whatever comes to mind. I don't expect masses to gather to hear my orations like they do in London, but then that is not really the point.

July 27, 2010


The picture battle between my wife and I was sorta short lived. She deleted my photo of her so I deleted her header photo and put my picture there. That made her mad because she couldn't fix it. I took pity on her, because she is sick, and fixed it. Sorry if you missed the picture I tried to put up.

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